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The cocoon house was a project design for the playground of a nursery. I had the opportunity of working with my colleague Chloe Walpole to re design the existing tree house of the nursery to one that would help the children enjoy their playground in the garden, 

We came up with the concept of creating these cut-outs within the tree house which were threaded with netting to create a cocoon like feeling. Our aim was to encourage a relaxing setting which also peaked the children's curiosity as they discovered ways of climbing. The Cocoon house has a total of 7 cocoon holes and a fold down wall which rests on a bench when folded downwards. 


With a relatively small budget, we tried to use as many recyclable materials as possible. To attach the fabric umbrella like roof, we though to use a tire which protects the tree and hooks with tension cords attaching to the structure of the cocoon house.  The Cocoon House is made from recycled mdf chipboard panels and uses the existing structure to minimise costs and ensure stability. 

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